We know that the people affected by an issue — and the people positioned to benefit from new ideas — are the ones best suited to develop and implement innovative strategies. Our social justice model engages families and individuals in creating positive changes in the Pine River Valley.
You, too, can make a lasting impact — come join us as a Community Leader. Leaders pool ideas, skills, and resources to design projects and programs that enable us all to thrive. We make decisions together by building consensus, and when we decide to move forward it’s “all hands on deck!”
Here are a few examples of what our Community Leaders do:
- One Community Leader coordinates the BK4K Snackpack program, keeping track of food on hand, shopping, and matching volunteers to the backpack-filling schedule.
- Another oversees the Clothing Unit, organizing donations, opening the unit to the public and bringing items to Community Dinners available for taking or trading.
- A few parents in the group lead the Parent Connection activities, organizing brunches, gift bags for new parents, and other projects that foster mutual support.
- Three Community Leaders on the team work together to manage our online presence, keep us active in social media, and coordinate other outreach efforts.
- Many in the group bring event ideas to the table. The team determines whether the event is a fit and how to participate, then one of our Leaders steps forward to coordinate the activity.
If you have an idea to share or you want to assist with the work we already do, come to a meeting! We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. in our Bayfield office. Everyone is welcome, and child care is provided.